Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This is Tuesday's entry, which we weren't able to publish until today due to a problem with our internet. 

We began this morning with devotions, followed by another terrific breakfast. Upon arriving at the community, the pastor led us in another very spirited and emotional prayer. It's interesting to note that most of us find this moment to be our favorite part of the day. After giving thanks to God, we returned to work.

The hygiene team met again with the women and children of the village to discuss cleanliness and water safety, basic nutrition, components of a healthy meal, and the importance of hydration. During crafts time, the kids made teeth hand puppets and the adults made bracelets with their names. The Bible story was the story of the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well.

As the drill team installed the casing, we encountered an obstruction at 95 feet which indicated that a lower section of the well had collapsed. We took a break to ask for God's direction before resuming. We worked on the casing some more, but it became clear that this was the correct depth for the well. We spent the afternoon developing the well.

After a wonderful dinner, Douglas took us into Leon for some shopping, sight-seeing and ice cream. We visited the central square with its market, where Jason and Kimberly displayed their negotiating skills and contributed to the Nicaraguan economy!

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